Train schedule Kryvyi Rig - Zaporizhia

Dear passengers
Train Information Coming Soon.
Route start End of route
Schedule Route Approx. Dep. Approx. Dep. km Time on the road
6076 daily Kryvyj Rig-Gol. - Nikopol' 08:37 11:12 89.0 02:35
6472 daily Kryvyj Rig - Nikopol' 09:15 12:37 100.6 03:22
6474 daily Kryvyj Rig-Gol. - Nikopol' 13:09 15:44 100.6 02:35
6476 daily Tymkove - Nikopol' 15:47 19:57 149.6 04:10
Route start End of route
Schedule Route Approx. Dep. Approx. Dep. km Time on the road
6485 daily Nikopol' - Tymkove 11:35 15:30 145.3 03:55
6473 daily Nikopol' - Kryvyj Rig-Gol. 15:59 18:46 96.3 02:47
6075 daily Nikopol' - Kryvyj Rig-Gol. 17:12 19:45 89.3 02:33
6497 daily Nikopol' - Kryvyj Rig-Gol. 20:12 22:57 96.3 02:45