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National electronic ticket operator
Bus schedule Bukovel - Ivano-Frankivsk
Bus schedule Bukovel - Ivano-Frankivsk
How to buy bus tickets Bukovel - Ivano-Frankivsk:
You can buy tickets for the Bukovel - Ivano-Frankivsk bus at the ticket offices of the nearest station, as well as online on our website:
To issue a ticket, select a suitable bus for the route Bukovel - Ivano-Frankivsk, if there are no available seats in a bus, this bus is not displayed.
After selecting a suitable bus, the screen will display a diagram of the bus with free and already occupied seats. The choice of a suitable place for booking is done with a mouse click, after which the cost of the ticket will be shown. To continue issuing tickets, you must click the "Continue" button.
At this stage, you need to fill in the passenger`s data, if the passenger was previously registered, some of the data will be filled in automatically. Choose the type of ticket: full (without any benefits), children or student. For different types of carriages, services may differ. Then you need to click the "Add to cart" button.
In the shopping cart it is necessary to check the correctness of the selected seats, services, full names of passengers. It is also necessary to provide an e-mail address and phone number, if the passenger was previously registered, these data will be filled in automatically. Also, if necessary, you can issue a bus document for animals (birds), equipment or excess baggage weight (over 36 kg). To complete the payment, it is necessary to check the "Agreement with the public offer agreement" item. To complete the payment, you must click on the "Pay" button.
On the payment gateway payment page, you need to fill in the details of the bank card from which the payment will be made, then click on the "Pay" button. To confirm the payment, an SMS message will be sent from the bank, or a request for confirmation of payment will be sent to the bank`s mobile application.
It should be remembered that 30 minutes are given to pay for a ticket, if during this time the ticket has not been paid, the reservation for this seat will be canceled.